29 October 2008

It's psychodad! bum bum BUMMMM!

Welcome to the Shrine, where it is not a crime to feel!

okay, get ready for this one, my Dad acts all nice when he comes to pick me up for the weekend, right? he claps me on the shoulder, we joke around, we laugh, the usual deal. then
as soon as we get home, I try to go upstairs to put my stuff away, but he says to come down to say hi to everyone, I think, what the heck? what bad can happen?
then I get.....The Spanish Inquisition. No kidding. I say hi, and then My stepmom asks me why I left college. i told her I didn't want to talk about it, and also that I'd go next semester, and guess what? she follows me, telling me that I don't have any rights, that I'm not an adult or some shit like that. Dad joins in, and they go off on this high and mighty spiel of how everything is all my fault and they are doing their best to help me, all while they trap me in my room, and try to steal my things. oh, and they broke my headphones and threw my backpack across the room. where the fuck do they get off with their delusions? and they say I'm the crazy one? I try to get some sleep later, and the stepmom wakes me up and tells me to clean the bathroom, and that I'm the only one who doesn't do anything around the house. that's not true at all. I've had to break off several of my things to go help dad in the backyard or the front yard. I also vacuum and lift things that they are too lazy to. just the last time I was over there, I practically singlehandedly cleaned up their garage. but I digress...I'm getting tired, as it is late. later!


1 comment:

'Ryn Twins said...

Hmm, let's see now... Your family sucks. You DO have rights, and legally you ARE an adult (however much you don't act like one sometimes but hey). As for vandalising your stuff... say, isn't there a law against that? Fight fire with fire-- call the police on them for it. I get the same shit about not doing anything around the house sometimes, and I just eke out some croc tears and ignore it. (Don't try the crying thing though.... it only works cuz I'm a girl)